Admin Guide

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Admin Guide


Contents of Admin Guides   This page presents all the admin guides. The headers and order of the guides have been adapted from the admin settings panel – in addition, there are independent sections for the guides about module-specific settings and features, add-ins and portals. Note, that these guides are for system administrators – therefore […]

Admin Guide

Activating Languages in the System

General  It is possible to use the CRM system in several different languages. You can activate or deactivate languages by accessing Settings and selecting the Module Manager.  By default, the Module Manager shows the Modules tab first, but you can manage translations by selecting the Languages tab (see picture below).  This view allows you to […]

Admin Guide

Automatically Updating Email Campaigns

Introduction Workflows “Add contact to campaign” and “Remove contact from campaign” can be used to automate the update of the campaigns content. This is especially useful with email campaigns – with these workflows, you can automatically include or remove the contact from an email campaign based on the contacts information, so you do not need […]

Admin Guide

Configuring GDPR Tools

Introduction The European Union’s general data protection regulation (GDPR) came into force in May 2018 and placed demands on how the personal data of EU citizens must be handled. The regulation highlighted for example the person’s right to ask a company to send them all the information they have on them or to delete their […]

Admin Guide

Configuring the CRM2 layout

General The CRM2 appearance is defined on the side of the old user interface, and the blocks of each module can be arranged to meet the user’s needs. This guide goes through everything that can be defined with the CRM2 appearance and how to modify the appearance of the module.   CRM2 layout You can […]

Admin Guide

Consolidated Invoicing Module Tool

Consolidated Invoicing Module Tool With Consolidated Invoicing module tool, you can combine sales orders or quotes of the same account into one invoice from the account card.  It is also possible to use parameters to determine default values for the new invoice (e.g. subject). The tool, like all the module tools, can be created in Settings […]

Admin Guide

Creating Activities for a User with automation

Creating Activities with Target Groups Introduction You can create activities in mass for the assignee of the accounts or contacts in a target group, or some other CRM user. These activities automatically have a link to the contacts or accounts in the target group, and they could concern e.g. a call campaign. You can either create […]

Admin Guide

Credit Invoice -How to build the process

General Invoices sometimes need credit invoice pairs to even out the income expectations. To users, this is simply one button on the invoice called ‘Credit invoice’ and it will copy the invoice, convert it to the minus and add a relation to the parent invoice. We are using settings about layout editor, dynamic field formulas, […]

Admin Guide

CSV Import

General CSV data importing is supported in many modules in the CRM system. The Import button  is located in the toolbar at the top of the page of every module. The visibility of the tool is determined in user profiles, where an admin user can set users’ rights for the tool (for more information, see the guide System […]

Admin Guide


Configuring Currencies You can create, edit and delete currencies used in offers, sales orders and invoices in Settings → Currencies. The Currencies List shows the currencies added in the system (see picture below). Euro is the default currency of the system and therefore can not be edited or deleted. Other currencies have buttons for editing  and […]

Admin Guide

Custom Row-Level Fields

Custom Row-Level Fields The system has four modules that contain row-level data. These modules are Sales Orders, Purchase Orders, Quotes and Invoice. The row level contains basically only standard column fields of the system, but it is also possible to create new custom fields for the rows depending on the need. Creation and Maintenance Row-level […]

Admin Guide

Document Templates – Using Tags in ODF/OOXML Templates

Template Management For example the Word (.docx, .rtf) and Excel (.xlsx) files and PDF and Open Document format files can be used as document templates for quotes, sales orders, invoices, support tickets, campaigns and invitation events. The templates can be prefilled with images and text. In addition, you can use different tags in the document to […]

Admin Guide

Document Templates – Convert ODF / OOXML to PDF

Convert ODF/OOXML to PDF General An admin user can create a conversion tool in the Document Templates that converts ODF/OOXML files to PDF when you open the template from the CRM. Any file in a right format can be converted. The template can include the company logo and layout, as well as fixed text. For more information […]

Admin Guide

Document Templates: Certificate Templates

Creating Certificate Templates Introduction You can send certificates by email to all the contacts that have attended a certain invitation event directly from the invitation event. The certificate is always event-specific and the information about the event, like the event name, time and place, must be written manually on the certificate template. The information about […]

Admin Guide

Downloading the Outlook Add-in

Outlook Add-in With the CRM-service Outlook Add-in it is possible to synchronize an Outlook account with a CRM account. The elements that can be synchronized are calendar activities and e-mails and their attachments (from Outlook to CRM). The Add-in provides Outlook with tools to link CRM information and entities with new appointments and e-mails to […]

Admin Guide

Dynamic field formulas

General With Dynamic Field Formulas, you can for example count values, create conditional clauses, edit fields’ information, etc. within a single CRM-service entity. With Dynamic Fields Formulas, you can also seek information from another module to the entity or count values for rows. It’s also possible to have a certain information field to show on […]

Admin Guide

Dynamic Fields

Introduction With dynamic fields, you can set fields visible or hidden under certain conditions. Every field is visible by default, but with dynamic fields you can determine situations, in which some fields will not be visible at all – or on the contrary, in which the fields will be visible and even mandatory. The dynamicity conditions […]

Admin Guide

Entity Archiving

Introduction The entities’ archiving function makes working with CRM quick search fields easier by separating older entities from the more recent ones. When an entity has been archived, it won’t show in the global or module-specific searches. Archiving will not delete or modify the entity, however, instead the entity will show normally e.g. in module […]

Admin Guide

Entity field change log

General When enabled, the entity field change log allows the system to show the changes made in the specific field of the entity card. Entity field change logs will show the value changes of the field, who has modified the field, when the field was modified and how long each change has been in use. […]

Admin Guide

Entity’s Owner

Entity Owner Settings In the CRM-service system there is only one owner or assignee for every entity (Account, Contact, Sales Order, etc.). The owner can either be an individual user or a group. Every entity’s assignee settings can be edited in the module’s settings by clicking the Settings button  in the right module and then selecting the […]

Admin Guide

Examples of Dynamic Field Formulas

General This page contains examples of the most commonly used Dynamic field formulas. The formulas might not be suitable for every situation as they are written here, but they serve as models to write the dynamic field formulas. The formula instructions are color-coded to illustrate which parts of the formula are most likely to change […]

Admin Guide

Field Translations

Translating the Fields of the Modules The default language in the CRM system is English and therefore some of the fields in the modules may show in English when not translated individually. You can do and improve the translations to different languages in Settings → Translate Fields. The picture below shows the field translations of the Accounts […]

Admin Guide

Files – How to activate it to your CRM usage

Files is a storage module for a different types of files that relates to other modules like quotes, accounts, and invoices. Activate the file module Activation happens from the module manager, but in many environments, it is activated already. File module is like any other module and it has its own access rules via Profiles […]

Admin Guide

Formatted Text Area

General Formatted Text Area is designed to give the user more freedom to format the text in the Description fields. You can activate this option from the Layout Editor, where these settings are located at the bottom of the page. Start How to use Formatted Text Area After activation you can format the text in […]

Admin Guide

Global Translations

Managing Global Translations With Global Translations it is possible to alter and translate commonly used terms and for example the menu titles in the CRM system. Therefore, they should not be used to make larger translations of the system but to adjust the terminology. You can examine and edit the Global Translations in Settings → under […]

Admin Guide

Information Security – IP Permissions

Managing IP Permissions You can manage IP permissions in Settings → IP Permissions. If there aren’t any permissions (denied or allowed IP addresses) determined, the system will allow signing in from any IP address. By default, the system allows only CRM service provider’s IP addresses whose types are Permanent. Every change in permissions (creating, editing and […]

Admin Guide

Installing Outlook Add-in as a MSI file

Outlook Add-in Installation as a MSI File The Outlook Add-in can be downloaded as a MSI file (in a ZIP file) using the following link: Outlook Add-in (v. 7.53). The MSI file is installed on the command line with the following command: msiexec /i CRMOutlookAddinSetup.msi /quiet The Outlook Add-in settings can be preset in the Outlook GUI […]

Admin Guide

Layout Editor

Layout Editor Introduction The layout of each module can be fully customised in a way that best works for you. The module’s entity cards, meaning e.g. a single account’s information on the Accounts module, consist of blocks and fields in them. You can edit edit, add, hide and remove the fields, and additionally, change their grouping and order in […]

Admin Guide

Mail Scanner

Configuring and Using the Mail Scanner   The Mail Scanner function can be used to create trouble tickets to CRM from the received emails of a certain email account. With scanner conditions and actions, it is possible to identify the emails that should be scanned and perform the right actions to create the tickets. When […]

Admin Guide

Maintaining the Menu Structure

The Menu Structure Introduction The main body of the system is built around the top menu. The menu is used to navigate around the system and when it is logical, it supports the daily tasks of every user. The visibility of the menu headers and menu items below them can be managed by profile. Therefore […]

Admin Guide

Managing and checking DNS Records

General DNS records are an important part of the functioning of any website. For more information on what DNS records are, see What DNS Means? In this guide, we will explain who is responsible for editing the DNS record, why you need to update the record, and what to do if you encounter problems delivering […]

Admin Guide

Managing and Creating Document Templates

Creating Document Templates You can manage RTF, PDF, Excel (XLSX) and ODF/OOXML templates used in the CRM system in the Document Template settings: Settings → Document Templates. In the settings you can see all the created templates, which can be edited deleted and activated/disabled (see the picture below). You can add a new template by clicking the Add […]

Admin Guide

Managing Portal Users

Introduction Your customers’ access to Self-Service Portal can be managed both manually or automatically. When the access is managed manually, you can activate access in the CRM with an element on the contact card. With this element, you can activate the access but also manage e.g. the portal profile, which further determines the contact’s rights […]

Admin Guide

Mass Mailing Scheduling Settings

General Mass mailing can be sheduled, so it will be delivered to the recipients at the specified time. For this functionality there might be a need to adjust the admin settings, and those adjustments are explained in this article. Specific instructions on how to schedule mass mailing can be found here. Start Adjusting the settings […]

Admin Guide

Merge Entity module tool

General This tool is used to merge the information of duplicate entities, including relations. You can do this with entities that are located either in Accounts or Contact modules. The tool must be activated by the admin user. This tool allows users to easily merge duplicate entities by selecting a target entity and then selecting […]

Admin Guide

Module Entity Numbering

Module Entity Numbering Introduction The entities in CRM modules are numbered automatically in the order they are created. Each module has their own independent numbering. By default, the number of the entity consists of a prefix and the actual number. The prefix is the same for every entity in the same module, but the number […]

Admin Guide

Module Manager

Module Manager You can select the modules that are visible and active in the system (interface) in Settings → Module Manager. By default the tab Modules is first shown in the Module Manager (see the picture below). On this tab you can set the modules visible and usable by ticking the checkbox active . Most of the modules also […]

Admin Guide

Module Tool Parameters and Settings

General This guide is about defining module tools’ parameters and other possible tool-specific settings. For more information about the module tools in general, see the guide Module Tools. Parameters You can set parameters for the module tool to for example fetch/supplement information from the source entity or fill in the field with certain information: The formula […]

Admin Guide

Module tool’s special parameters

General The functionality of the module tools is fundamentally similar between the old Legacy CRM service interface and the new V2 interface, and therefore many tools are suitable for use as such in both versions. Conditions: Module tool visible only in the current/new interface If you want the module tool to be visible only in […]

Admin Guide

Module Tools

Module Tools This guide concerns the module tools in general and the settings for showing and running them. For more information about defining the parameters and possible other settings for the tools, see the guide Module Tool Parameters and Settings. With module tools it is possible to create tools for entity cards (= information view of […]

User Guide

Outlook Add-in for users

Outlook Add-in user guide Before the Outlook Add-in can be used, it needs to be activated by an admin user (instructions: Outlook Add-In Setup). The Add-in is managed on the Add-ins tab in Outlook. On the Add-ins tab, there are buttons for i.a. logging in and out, manual synchronizing and settings (see the picture below). Appointments […]

Admin Guide

Outlook Add-In Setup

Outlook Add-in Setup It is possible to synchronize your calendar and emails in CRM with the calendar and emails in your Outlook account. To do this, you’ll need to download and install the CRM Add-in for Outlook (you can find the download links in the guide Downloading the Outlook Add-in). When the add-in is downloaded and […]

Admin Guide

Password reset settings

General The password reset settings allow users to change their password using the Forgot your password function. If this function is not activated, users will not be able to change their own passwords in the system. Start Password reset can be activated in the settings under Settings → Additional settings → Security settings. In order […]

Admin Guide

Picklist Editor

Picklist Editor Picklists can be created in the layout editor of the module. You can add, edit and remove the values in this picklist in the picklist editor by clicking the edit button  on the picklist’s row (see the picture below). Another way to get to the picklist editor is through settings (Settings → Picklist Editor), but this option does not show the […]

Admin Guide

Portal Settings

Managing Portal Settings Introduction The Self-Service Portal is a portal for which you can grant access to your own customers. The modules and fields shown in the portal can mostly be managed in the CRM. Moreover, you can create several portal profiles and show them different amount of information if needed (e.g. only the main […]

Admin Guide

Process diagram

General With a process diagram, it is possible to show the values ​​of the field more visually. The process diagram can only be activated in the fields which type is the picklist. With the help of the process diagram, the value of the field can be changed with one click. In this instruction, the process […]

Admin Guide

Product Select Popup Customization

Product Select Popup Customization The categories and fields shown in the product select popup can be determined in the settings. The fixed categories of the products can be used in the popup, and this way you can use both the Search field and the categories to filter the products. The product select popup customization can be […]

Admin Guide

Project Settings

General It is possible to determine versatile permissions and restrictions to project functions in Profiles’ settings and Additional settings. With these settings, it is easy to either grant access or hide some functions from certain basic users, e.g. based on their job description on the project. An admin has always access to all project functions […]

Admin Guide

Quick view function

General The goal is to quickly see information about any relation, such as Customers, Contacts, Invoices, without having to open them. A magnifying glass with a + sign opens a window with the selected fields. Fields that are visible in the quick view, for example, Account are set in the module Accounts and are always […]

Admin Guide

Related Lists

Related Lists Introduction The More Information tabs in each module have permanent default views, which show information related to the entity. Even though these views are handy, they might not always show the right things from the right perspective: a permanent view could e.g. show all the activities of the contact, but the need might be […]

Admin Guide

Reporting Contact Center Data in CRM

Reporting Call Results in CRM In addition to the numeric reports in the portal, the results of the calls performed in Contact Center and Contact Portal can also be reported in CRM. This can be done with the report generator and with related lists on the More Information tabs of Accounts, Contacts and Campaigns. Report […]

Admin Guide

Sales Organization Access

Managing Sales Organization Access Sales organization permissions are applied to Custom reports and Business Intelligence reports. Sales organization permissions can be created in Settings → Sales Organization Access. The users are listed in the view by sales groups; you can search for a certain by selecting a sales group and if wanted, a text to search. If […]

Admin Guide

Sales Organization Hierarchy

Sales Organisation hierarchy In the CRM-service system, you must set up a hierarchy of the sales organization structures. The system users are linked to this structure on different organization levels. Users do not have to belong to any sales organization structure. In that case they will not have permissions for example to any Custom reports […]

Admin Guide

Scheduled Tasks

Scheduled Tasks With scheduled tasks it is possible to automatize the use of target groups. You can for example set a target group to update automatically at certain time intervals and/or automatically create activities concerning the target group to your calendar. You can also use a scheduled task to schedule in advance a mass edit for a certain […]

Admin Guide

Scheduling Target Group Activities

Target Group Activities’ Settings and Scheduling Them Introduction You can create activities in mass for the assignee of the accounts or contacts in a target group, or some other CRM user. These activities automatically have a link to the contacts or accounts in the target group. Activities like these could concern e.g. a call campaign: the user […]

Admin Guide

Security Settings

Security Settings An admin can manage the IP-address restrictions and brute-force settings in Settings → Security. The main view of the security settings is presented in the picture below. In brute-force protection field you can determine, how many failed login attempts will ban the IP address and for how long. The IP addresses that are trusted can […]

Admin Guide

Self-Service Portal

Self-Service Portal — What is It? The main focus of the CRM-service Self-Service Portal is to act as a service platform for the customers. The portal’s users are your own customers – that is, the people who have been saved as contacts in the CRM. The use of the portal may vary quite a lot, […]

Admin Guide

Set email sending addresses and authentication methods

General We have created a video to explain visually how the process works, so you can watch it here. The default email address of the system is By adjusting the settings, it is possible to add other addresses, which will appear in the list including the name you gave them when you added the […]

Admin Guide

Setting up Mass Invoicing

General Mass Invoicing is an action that can be used to create similar invoices at once for a selected group, either as a one-time invoice or recurring invoicing. These instructions are only for setting up the Mass Invoicing action, and separate instructions on how to use Mass Invoicing can be found here. Setup Admin user […]

Admin Guide

Setting up the Discussion Tool

Setting up the Discussion Tool Introduction The discussion field is available in all the modules and it is an easy way to make the internal communication about certain entities smoother. For more information about how the tool works and can be used, see the user guide Discussion. Creating the Discussion Field You can add the discussion […]

Admin Guide

Setting Up the Module Tool for Sending Individual Emails

Introduction The module tool CRM2 Send email enables sending email templates in the new interface to individual contacts. You can also include a document template and/or static files from the Files module to be sent as attachments to the email. The tool can be activated for the Contacts module and any module that has a […]

Admin Guide

System Access

System Access Management Definitions Entity = One saved record in the system, e.g. one account or quote. Introduction System access can be set for each entity, so that on the strictest (=lowest) access level each user can only see their own entities. Every entity has always only one owner, which can be either an individual user or […]

Admin Guide

Tags in Emails Sent by Module Tools

Tags in Emails Sent by Module Tools Tags are used, foe example, in email templates and in certain module tools that send emails. This guide is about the tags in module tools. You can learn how to use the tags with other tools in other guides by clicking the links above. There are multiple module […]

Admin Guide

Target Groups

Target Groups By using target groups you can generate company and personal groups for email marketing, telephone contacting and so on. You can create several different target groups for each need. Creating a Target Group To create a target group, you first need to determine the basic information of the group. The creation starts by clicking […]

Admin Guide

Tax Calculations

Managing Tax Calculations You can manage tax calculations for offers, sales orders and invoices by clicking Settings → Tax Calculations. The taxes saved in the system are shown in the Tax calculation’s main view (see the picture below). The tax can be activated or disabled by clicking the checkbox on the tax row. The tax rate and […]

Admin Guide

Translation keys

Most often needed translation keys in CRM -layout These are specific translation keys used with Admin tool Global translations when the CRM-service system terminology is changed to fit the customer needs. New Account Window pop-up when new entity is created the translation key is Where the module (red) can be changed to any example […]

Admin Guide

Update information to linked and current entity

General This workflow gives the possibility to update information beyond the saved entity. For example, when the potential is saved, the account information is updated and saved with new information. Information from the Account is copied to the contact like the street address This workflow also allows you to run your own dynamic field formulas, […]

Admin Guide

Web Service API Keys

Managing Web Service API Keys The CRM-service API keys allow and enable the integration of external services with the CRM. The API keys are managed in Settings → Webservice API keys. In the API keys’ settings you can create new, delete unused and lock existing API keys and determine key-specific permissions to the web service methods. Creating a New […]

Admin Guide

What DNS Means

General People write website addresses in text, but computers communicate with each other using numbers. The solution to this communication problem is DNS (Domain Name System), the Internet’s name service system that converts web page addresses such as into a form that computers can understand, i.e. IP addresses. It is a kind of Internet […]

Admin Guide

What SPF, DKIM and DMARC mean to your emails?

General Safely delivered email is one of the most important communication tools for organizations and companies. However, because of the large number of spam and phishing attacks, the ability to identify the sender is extremely important. One way of doing this is the usage of common email authentication protocols SPF, DKIM and DMARC. Different email […]

Admin Guide

WordPress Plug-in

WordPress Plug-in – Configuration and Use Introduction CRM-service offers a free-to-use WordPress plug-in, or connector, with which the information received through WordPress site forms can be automatically saved in the CRM as well. You can use the forms to create new leads or potentials, which can be used instantly in your sales, support or marketing pipelines. […]

Admin Guide


General Workflows can be used to automatize several actions in modules. Workflows are triggered by changes made in the target module’s fields – e.g. when a potential’s stage is changed to ‘won’ or when a customer’s assigned user has been changed. When triggered, the workflow can for instance send an email, create an activity, run […]

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