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Admin Guide

Information Security – IP Permissions

Managing IP Permissions You can manage IP permissions in Settings → IP Permissions. If there aren’t any permissions (denied or allowed IP addresses) determined, the system will allow signing in from any IP address. By default, the system allows only CRM service provider’s IP addresses whose types are Permanent. Every change in permissions (creating, editing and […]

Admin Guide

Sales Organization Access

Managing Sales Organization Access Sales organization permissions are applied to Custom reports and Business Intelligence reports. Sales organization permissions can be created in Settings → Sales Organization Access. The users are listed in the view by sales groups; you can search for a certain by selecting a sales group and if wanted, a text to search. If […]

Admin Guide

Sales Organization Hierarchy

Sales Organisation hierarchy In the CRM-service system, you must set up a hierarchy of the sales organization structures. The system users are linked to this structure on different organization levels. Users do not have to belong to any sales organization structure. In that case they will not have permissions for example to any Custom reports […]

Admin Guide

System Access

System Access Management Definitions Entity = One saved record in the system, e.g. one account or quote. Introduction System access can be set for each entity, so that on the strictest (=lowest) access level each user can only see their own entities. Every entity has always only one owner, which can be either an individual user or […]

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