Entity field change log


When enabled, the entity field change log allows the system to show the changes made in the specific field of the entity card. Entity field change logs will show the value changes of the field, who has modified the field, when the field was modified and how long each change has been in use.


The admin user controls the entity field change log. This means that normal users can only view the information and they only see if they have the right to see the field change log is tracking. To enable the entity field change log the admin user must add the wanted field log to be visible by using the CRM2 Layout editor.

Quick-Start Guide

  1. Go to the settings of the wanted module.
  2. Select CRM2 Layout.
  3. Press the plusĀ button on the wanted tab to add a new component.
  4. Set width to either full or half.
  5. Select Entity field change log from Type picklist.
  6. In the Field name picklist, select the field you want to track.
  7. (Optional) Edit the location of the component by using the arrow buttons.

Step-by-Step guide

Go to the settings and select Module Manager. In the module manager, go to the wanted module and press the settings icon to enter the module settings. Next, select the CRM2 Layout.

Manage CRM2 Layout

You will now see all the currently available tabs and their layout in the settings menu. You can now either create a new tab (1) or pick one of your existing tabs. When you have the tab selected, you press the plus icon on the control panel of the selected tab (2) to add the entity field change log component.

Next, you are presented with the Add Component menu (see picture below) where you can determine the settings of the wanted component. Width determines how the information is shown in the system. In this case, Type is always Entity field change log. Lastly, Field name specifies which field you want to track.

How the information is shown in the system

After the setup is done, the information will be available in the selected tab of the entity card that is located in the selected module.


The style is determined by the width of the element. Here we have a settings example where we have added two half-width components and one full-width component in the invoice logs tab we created:

When using the layout in the settings above, the Logs tab will look like this for the CRM user:

Every tab consists of four parts. Value tracks the changes made to the value of the field. If the value is empty, it means that there has been no value in the field at the time. Modified by column shows the user who made each change. If the user has a picture in the system, the image will be shown in this column. If the change is made by the system automation, the column will show a robot icon .

Modified at column shows the time change was made. Duration shows how long the change has been in effect. The timer on the most recent change will continue recording the duration until a new change is made for the field. The most recent change is always shown in bold.


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