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Entity’s Owner
Entity Owner Settings In the CRM-service system there is only one owner or assignee for every entity (Account, Contact, Sales Order, etc.). The owner can either be an individual user or a group. Every entity’s assignee settings can be edited in the module’s settings by clicking the Settings button in the right module and then selecting the […]
Files – How to activate it to your CRM usage
Files is a storage module for a different types of files that relates to other modules like quotes, accounts, and invoices. Activate the file module Activation happens from the module manager, but in many environments, it is activated already. File module is like any other module and it has its own access rules via Profiles […]
Layout Editor
Layout Editor Introduction The layout of each module can be fully customised in a way that best works for you. The module’s entity cards, meaning e.g. a single account’s information on the Accounts module, consist of blocks and fields in them. You can edit edit, add, hide and remove the fields, and additionally, change their grouping and order in […]
Maintaining the Menu Structure
The Menu Structure Introduction The main body of the system is built around the top menu. The menu is used to navigate around the system and when it is logical, it supports the daily tasks of every user. The visibility of the menu headers and menu items below them can be managed by profile. Therefore […]
Managing and Creating Document Templates
Creating Document Templates You can manage RTF, PDF, Excel (XLSX) and ODF/OOXML templates used in the CRM system in the Document Template settings: Settings → Document Templates. In the settings you can see all the created templates, which can be edited deleted and activated/disabled (see the picture below). You can add a new template by clicking the Add […]
Module Manager
Module Manager You can select the modules that are visible and active in the system (interface) in Settings → Module Manager. By default the tab Modules is first shown in the Module Manager (see the picture below). On this tab you can set the modules visible and usable by ticking the checkbox active . Most of the modules also […]
Module Tools
Module Tools This guide concerns the module tools in general and the settings for showing and running them. For more information about defining the parameters and possible other settings for the tools, see the guide Module Tool Parameters and Settings. With module tools it is possible to create tools for entity cards (= information view of […]
Price Books
General With the price books, you can define customer-specific prices for certain products. This way the prices of the products added to e.g. an invoice are updated automatically according to the price book based on an agreement with the customer. The price books have their own module, Price Books. Start Price lists have their own […]
General The products module represents everything billable. These can be products with stock, products with unlimited stock, and even things like work hours. Products are used in multiple functions and there are multiple settings available for each type of product. Products can also be offered at different prices for certain customers by using price books. […]
Report Generator
Viewing and Sharing Reports The report generator can be used to create reports that combine information from different modules. The reports help you get a hold of the CRM data and provide material to base decisions on. The created reports can be viewed directly in a browser (a new tab will be opened) by clicking on a report on the front […]
Sales Orders
In the Sales Orders, you can create new Sales Orders or create invoice templates for Mass Invoicing. Here are the explanations for some of the most common fields used in Sales Orders: Status – The status of the template will also determine the initial status of the invoices. Due date – The due date for […]
Surveys – Basic Guide
General Surveys are used for various purposes, from gathering feedback to collecting and updating contact information in the CRM. This guide refers to the full survey editor that creates surveys that can be shared via a link. The editor can be used with a combination of mouse and keyboard, but it also supports keyboard-only inputs. […]
Surveys – Setting up a new survey
General In the surveys module, it is possible to create different surveys that can be sent to users via email or during mass event registrations. This guide explains how you create a new survey in the Survey module. You can find the instructions for the survey editor here. Instructions for surveys made specifically for mass […]
General The Targets module is used to set and measure the organisation’s goals. Depending on the target type, the target is measured by amount or monetary value. When monetary value is used, the wanted product group(s) must be selected to determine which products are counted when measuring the set target. The following target types can […]