Entity’s Owner

Entity Owner Settings

In the CRM-service system there is only one owner or assignee for every entity (Account, Contact, Sales Order, etc.). The owner can either be an individual user or a group. Every entity’s assignee settings can be edited in the module’s settings by clicking the Settings button  in the right module and then selecting the Layout Editor.

After that, click the Edit Properties button  of the Assigned to field.

Note that user selection can be changed for every form in system, but not for the owner of an individual form’s product row.

You can choose the type of the field Assigned To from the following options (see the picture below):

  • Simple user select is a picklist (see the picture below), where the users that can be seen with basic user permissions are shown (more information in System Access).

  • Sales organization select opens a new window, where the user is selected via a sales channel and a sales group hierarchy (see the picture below). In this list, all the users are shown without any access limits. Only users are can be selected (does not include group choice).

  • Advanced user select opens a new window, where the user is selected from a list (see the picture below). In this list it is possible to sort the users by their name or different organizational data (email, Sales Channel, Sales Group etc.). You can also choose how many users are shown in window at the same time. You can search users with the Search function in the right corner. All users are shown in this list without any permission limits an only users are selectable (does not include group choice).

  • Advanced user select, with access works the same way as the Advanced user select, but filters users by system access limit (more information in System Access).
  • Advanced user select, only same sales group works the same way as the Advanced user select, but filters users by current user’s sales group (only the users in the same sales group are shown).
  • Advanced user select, only same sales channel works the same way as the Advanced user select, but filters users by current user’s sales channel (only the users in the same sales channel are shown).
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